The Five Pillars of Islam in Brief

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The Five Pillars of Islam in Brief

The Five Pillars of Islam in Brief

The pillars of Islam are five.


Prophet Muhammad ( صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ) said:

"Islam is built upon five: the testimony that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allah, to establish the prayer, to pay the Zakāt, to fast in Ramadan, and to make the Hajj to the house of Allah."

--Reported by al-Bukhārī and Muslim.

The First Pillar- The testimony of La ilaha illa Allah 

(none has the right to be worshipped in truth except Allah) Wa Anna Muhammad Rasul Allah [and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah].

These two testimonies are the foundation of all foundations, and the rest of the pillars follow them. So the rest of the pillars or any other deeds are of no benefit if they are not based upon these two testimonies. 

These testimonies go hand in hand and do not separate, so it is a must to testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, along with the testimony that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah.

The testimony "none has the right to be worshipped except Allah" necessitates that only Allah be worshipped, and the testimony "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" necessitates that worship be done in accordance to what the Messenger of Allah came with.'

The Second Pillar- to establish the prayer.

The prayer is the second most important pillar of Islam and it is the strong bond between the servant and his Lord. It will be the first thing that a person will be asked about on the Day of Resurrection, and it distinguishes the Muslim from the disbeliever.

There are five obligatory prayers in Islām that occur throughout the day and the night. They are:

(1) Zuhr (i.e. the noon prayer)

(2) Asr (i.e. the afternoon prayer)

(3) Maghrib (i.e. the prayer after sunset)

(4) Isha (ie. the prayer when night falls) 

(5) Fajr (i.e. the prayer when dawn first enters)

The Third Pillar- to pay the Zakat.

Zakat is an act of worship done connected to wealth, and its benefit is not restricted for the one who pays it, rather it is a benefit to other Muslims. Allah made the Zakat obligatory upon the wealth of the rich to be paid to the poor Muslims in a manner that will benefit the poor, but not harm the rich.

This is because it is a minor portion of a person's wealth. Zakat purifies the Muslim from stinginess and is comfort for the  poor and needy Muslims. Pillars of Islam

The Fourth Pillar- Fasting the month of Ramadan.

Ramadan is the 9th month on the Islamic calendar. Allah has made fasting this month obligatory upon every Muslim who has reached the age of puberty, is of sound intellect, healthy, and residing in their hometown (i.e. not travelling).

Fasting is an act of worship which is done for Allah alone by withholding from food, drink, sexual intercourse and anything that breaks the fast, from the time of Fajr (dawn prayer) until the time of Maghrib (sunset). Pillars of Islam

Fasting is a purification of the soul by having abstinence from the worldly desires, and it causes one to have sympathy for the poor and to feel some of what they feel from hunger pains and thirst.

Fasting is beloved to Allah because of the secrecy contained in it. No one knows who is truly fasting except Allah, and for this reason Allah rewards the fasting person without limit.

The Fifth Pillar- Performing the Hajj.

The Hajj is an act of worship that requires bodily actions and wealth alike. Allah has made the Hajj obligatory once in one's lifetime for the one who has the means, is physically able to perform it, and finds transportation to Makkah. Pillars of Islam

From the intents of Hajj is that Allah is worshipped in those places where He commanded that He be worshipped (i.e. in Makkah, 'Arafah, Muzdalifahı, and Mina). 

From its benefits is that Muslims gather from all places around the globe in one place, all considered equal with no distinction between the rich and poor, black and white, rulers or ruled, in order to worship Allah alone and perform the rituals that He commanded with. Pillars of Islam

The one who performs the Hajj with sincerity and according to the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ( صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ) will return home like the day when his mother gave birth to him (i.e. free of sin). Pillars of Islam

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