How to Communicate in Business with Confidence: Practical Assignments

How to Communicate in Business with Confidence Practical Assignment, How to master communication skill and confidence, Communicating with confidence,
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How to Communicate in  Business with Confidence:  Practical Assignments

How to Communicate in business with Confidence - Practical Assignments

Most business experts believe that those who will succeed in the future business world are those with high technical skills. Because of this, many people looking for a job feel it necessary to take courses in computers to be able to find a job. How to Communicate in Business

While computer skills are certainly useful, there is another skill that is needed even more, this is the ability to communicate effectively. A person may be the greatest specialist in the world, but unable to communicate effectively and he will never climb the corporate ladder. 

We do not think of speaking as a skill because it is something that we have done since we were infants. There is difference between being able to talk and communicate effectively. It is not a matter of having a big vocabulary. How to Communicate in Business

Socrates was considered a master communicator, and most of what he did was simply asking questions. Jesus' words have inspired billions of people over the years, and the simplicity of his words is such that even children can understand the meanings.

So how do we do it? How can we grow in our ability to communicate  so that we can speak with more confidence and power? How to Communicate in Business

First: it is the sound of your voice; your posture, what you do with your hands- all say something along with your voice. When you are going to talk with someone, pay attention to the non-verbal message you are sending. 

Do you look confident or do you look nervous? Practice in a mirror if you are not certain. Ask a friend how you look when you are speaking, because non-verbal actions are instinctive and to break these habits will take concentration and work.

But words are also important. Think about the way that you express yourself. For example, to qualify many things you may use "I think", "maybe", "possibly", "could happen", etc., or it may sound more definite: "that's right", "absolutely", "I am sure", etc. A confident person will use the definite expressions. Do not be afraid of sounding sure of yourself! If you are going to have an opinion, then do not be a mouse about the house. Definite expressions convey power and assurance.

Be aware of talking too much or too little. Both are bad. The person who talks too much is probably insecure, unreliable, because he may not be saying the right things as he talks on and on. But do not be the non- talker, the person who seems to get out a single word or simple responses. 

Neither of these people will get many chances. The best communicators are those that can simply and clearly make their points. Again, this will take discipline, but it can be learned just as any other skill.

Too often in a conversation a person is saying the next statement rather than listening to the information that is coming from the other person. This is why there are so many misunderstandings in communication: each one is only listening to the sound of his own voice. A good communicator can "echo" back what the other person has said: "In other words you are saying..." or "Now as I understand this, you think..." Doing this demonstrates that you are truly listening, and that your objective is agreement and understanding. Put these few prompts into practice:

  • Non-verbal actions, 
  • Confident expressions,
  • Listening.

Obstacles: One of the first obstacles that one must overcome is the fear of speaking to others. We do not have trouble talking to friends and family, but when it comes to communicating to our boss or making a speech or giving a presentation at a meeting - many of us have trouble in getting the words out of the mouth. 

The mouth gets dry, the palms get sweaty, etc., and we cannot wait until it is all over. Face your fear. Take deep breaths, picture a happy scene in your mind while you are talking (but do not lose your train of thoughts in the process!). 

Tell yourself that you will try harder and overcome it like numbers of great speakers who had an earlier fear of speaking. It can be overcome, believe it. How to Communicate in Business

Another obstacle is self-consciousness. Some people while speaking become over-conscious of their voice tone or some other aspects of their communication. How to Communicate in Business

This makes them more and more nervous. Sometimes such self-conscious person many times apologizes for something which the other person is not even aware of, because a little secret is that the listener is more interested in himself than in you. There are many more obstacles but they revolve around the same type of problems.

To speak effectively means to know the subject and to know yourself. Listen carefully to those who communicate well. Notice that, what makes them sound so effective and natural in their speaking: 

They are not trying to persuade someone else. They simply express their thoughts in a way which is natural to them. That is why effective speakers are business leaders, dynamic salespersons, skillful managers. You start being yourself, the rest will come with practice.

Practical Assignments:

1. In groups of 3 or 4 be ready to hold an interview for a job. Decide who will be the applicant and who will be the "interviewing board". How to Communicate in Business

The applicant: you have been a manager of a medium-sized supermarket in the centre of town for 10 years. You think you have been successful and a good boss. When the interviewer asks a question, use one of the phrases from the list. The phrases will give you a little more time to think of your answer.

The interviewer: you own a large department store in the centre of town. It employs 200 people. The manager has just resigned. You are interviewing the applicant for the post of the manager. Use the questions in ex. 2 or think up your own questions. Take turns at asking the questions.

Study the expressions which may be useful for an applicant. Use them in your pair or group work: How to Communicate with Confidence

  • Well, let me see.
  • Well, let me think. 
  • I'll have to think about that.
  • How shall put it? 
  • Let's put it this way.
  • The best way I can answer that is... 
  • Mm, that's a difficult question. Let me see
2. Answer the following questions.
1. Why would you like to leave your present job? 
2. Say a little about the work you do. 
3. How long have you been a manager? 
4. What is the worst problem you have had in your present job? 
5. What makes you think you will enjoy this new job? 
6. Do you think you are popular with the people who work for you? 
7. If you could choose your own boss, what kind of person would you choose? 
8. If you didn't agree with your boss about something important, what would you do? 
9. Think of the situation where one of your employees was late for work three days out of four. He is a very good worker. What would you do? 
10. What do you think you will be doing in 10 years' time? 
11. What do you do in your spare time? 
12. How much do you think you should be paid?
3. Your philosophy. Complete each of these sentences. Don't just fill in the spaces quickly. Think about what you might want to say in English one day.
1. Two of my favourite expressions are ... 
2. I think I am... 
3. Other people say am... 
4. For me, success is... 
5. My work is important to me because... 
6. Money is ... 
7. For me, knowing English is... 
8. For me, pleasure is... 
9. For me, learning new things is... 
10. The most important thing about my country for me is.... 

4. Work alone. Choose one of the job advertisements. You are looking for a job and this advertisement interests you. Make notes on: 
1. why would you be interested in this job? 
2. why would you be a suitable candidate?
You may invent any details about your experience and qualifications, background and non-working life, if necessary. Write a brief letter of application for the job. When you are ready, send the letter to the directors of this company. 
You have been invited to attend an interview for the job you applied for. Explain to the interviewers why you think you're suitable for the job. How to Communicate in Business

5. In small groups make a list of the points which both interviewers and interviewees should remember during interviews. Think about appearance, setting, establishing a rapport, preparation, etc. Discuss your points with the rest of the class.
If you have time, change roles and repeat the last three stages of the role play, using the following words: full-time experienced (sales assistant); references required; experience with... preferred; to work in shifts; to apply for a job as; vacancy; part- timer; an hourly rate; to be after a full time job; 5-day week. 3 weeks holiday; driving licence; phone for more information; seeks employment /interesting well-paid work. How to Communicate in Business with Confidence

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