Improving Child Education

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Improving Child Education

Improving Child Education

Primary education must be both free and compulsory, while secondary school must be available and accessible to every child. All children and young people should be encouraged to reach the highest level of education of which they are capable.

Getting an education means that you are going GPE encourages developing countries to contribute to school and you are learning. Education is a 20% of their national budget to education, and right for children. It is a right that also helps enjoy other rights. Second, education is a tool of empowerment, a means to promote children rights, and can provide individuals with the necessary skills to have the best possible life. Quality education must be available for every child, without any discrimination and respecting their dignity, no matter who they are, regardless of their race, gender or disability; if they're in detention, or if they're a refugee. Children's right to education is preserved in article 27,28,29 and 32 in UN CRC: Children have the right to get an education, primary school should be provided for free. Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 4 also talks about the right to education.

Importance of Education

Education is the fundamental object to help children develop their full potential, and there should be schools for every child, taking into account their needs and age. Basic education in primary schools not only needs to give you skills in for example math, reading and writing, but also in socio-emotional skills, like making friends and working together. Education is the most important tool to combat poverty, because educated children are less likely to end up in poverty. Harmful practices like child marriage and child labour are a barrier to many children's right to education. Without education we cannot properly understand the world around us and fight for the changes that could make it into something better. Education helps us build opinions and have critical views on things in life. Education is knowledge and knowledge is power.

Problem with Education 

There are so many challenges in global education skills like reading, writing and math. that the world needs to take action on right now to achieve Global Goal 4: Quality Education by 2030. Developing countries can't rely solely on their own financing for education. There's also a need for more foreign aid. Only 20% of aid for education goes to low-income countries, according to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

GPE encourages developing countries to contribute 20% of their national budget to education, and allocate 45% of it to primary education. 

Another problem is teacher effectiveness. It has been found to be the most important predictor of student learning. GPE is determined to fight the global teacher crisis at hand. There is also a problem in classroom environment. A child cannot learn without the right environment. Children in many countries are often squeezed into overcrowded classrooms, classrooms that are falling apart, or are learning outside. They also lack textbooks, school supplies, and other tools they need to excel. For many children around the world, a walk to school of up to three hours in each direction is not uncommon. This is just too much for many children, particularly children living with a disability, those suffering from malnutrition or illness, or those who are required to work around the household. The biggest problem is the expenses of education. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights makes clear that every child has the right to a free basic education, so that poverty and lack of money should not be a barrier to schooling.

Funding for Education

If each developing country invested just 15 cents more per child, it could make all the difference. There is currently a $39 billion gap to providing quality education to all children by 2030.

Having a trained teacher

There aren't enough teachers to achieve universal primary or secondary education. And many of the teachers that are currently working are untrained. As a result, children aren't receiving a proper education. There are 130 million children in school who are not learning basic

Globally, the UN estimates that 69 million new teachers are required to achieve universal primary and secondary education by 2030. To offer every child primary education, 25.8 million school teachers need to be recruited. Meanwhile, in 1 out of every 3 countries, less than three-quarters of teachers are trained to national standards.

Learning materials

Outdated and worn-out textbooks are often shared by six or more students in many parts of the world. Workbooks, exercise sheets, readers, and other core materials to help students learn their lessons are in short supply. Teachers also need materials to help prepare their lessons, share with their students, and guide their lessons.

Supporting Children with disabilities

Students with disabilities have lower attendance rates and are more likely to be out of school or leave school before completing primary education. They are suspended or expelled at a rate more than double the rate of their non-special education peers. A combination of discrimination, lack of training in inclusive teaching methods among teachers, and a lack of accessible schools leave this group uniquely vulnerable to being denied their right to education.

Conflict or at risk of conflict

Teachers and students often flee their homes during conflicts, and continuity of learning is greatly disrupted. In total, 75 million children have had their education disrupted by conflict or crisis, including natural disasters that destroy schools and the environment around them. Without support, conflict-affected children lose out on the chance to reach their full potential and rebuild their communities.

Balanced Nutrition

The impact of hunger on education systems is gravely underreported. Being severely malnourished, to the point it impacts on brain development, can be the same as losing four grades of schooling. So, it needs to be managed a balanced nutrition for every child.

Cost-free Education

For many of the poorest families, school remains too expensive and children are forced to stay at home doing chores or work themselves. Families remain locked in a cycle of poverty that goes on for generations. Governments should abolish school fees and as a result, it will have been seen impressive increases in the number of children going to school.

Portrait of Bangladesh in Child Education 

Bangladesh is a rapidly developing country and it has its own challenges when it comes to social services such as: creating learning opportunities for young children. About 18% children are below 9 years. About 9% children are under 5 years age (ECDAN, 2018). Annual birth rate is about 3.1 million. Although Bangladesh has achieved great progress in primary enrolment rate and catching up on the secondary enrollment rate, early childhood education is still lagging behind alarmingly. The government launched the Pre-primary Education (PPE) initiative, under the Second Primary Education Supporting Children with disabilities Development Programme (PEDP II), by introducing baby classes before primary for children under six years old (MoPME, 2013).

Apart from government, the early childhood education activities for 3 to 6 years old children in Bangladesh consist of various initiatives and programs under different service providers. From the very beginning of the evolution of early childhood education in Bangladesh, NGOs were the vanguard of pre-primary education and implemented significant numbers of preschools/ early learning centers, namely, GSS, BRAC, Save the Children, Plan International, Care Bangladesh, Action Aid, Dhaka Ahsania Mission, along with the other members of Campaign for Popular Education and Bangladesh ECD Network. A number of actors namely, Bangladesh Shishu Academy (BSA) under the Ministry of Women and Children's Affairs (MOWCA), UNICEF and few other NGOs, target and work in the pockets of exclusion in geographically vulnerable and disaster-prone locations, and hard to reach areas such as: hill tracts, haor area, coastal area, water locked islands (char), tea gardens, brothels, prisons, and urban slums. There are also religious institutions providing ECE services such as: madrasas, mosque based maktabs and temples (MoPME, 2013).


Educating our children is the best thing we can do to help change the world around us. We need to help educate children because when they grow up and become adults, they are better people. They will be able to understand the needs of their community and become educated so that they are not ignorant and can change the world in ways that benefit all of society. We need a good education because it helps us understand our goals and dreams as well as our mistakes in life. If we don't have a good education, then we will have a lot of problems with growing up, understanding ourselves, becoming successful on our own, etc. Also, we need to be educated so that we can learn the difference between good and bad and know what to do in life.

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